
Brooke Class DEG Frigate

This configuration is represented by the USS BROOKE (DEG-1). The ship reclassification of FFG-1 will be featured at a later time.

Specifications for the for BROOKE Class: Displacement: 2,643 tons (light), Dimensions: 414-feet, 6-inches (oa), Beam: 44-feet,1-inch (extreme), Draft: 15-feet (draft limit), Propulsion: 2 Foster Wheeler 1200-psi boilers, 1 Westinghouse geared turbine, 35,000 SHP, 1 shaft; Speed: 27 knots, Range: 4,000 nm @ 20 knots, Complement: 258, Missiles: 1 single arm Mk22 Mod 0 launcher for Tartar / Standard-MR SAMs (16), Guns: 1 – 5-inch/38-cal. Mk30 Gun, 1 Mk16 ASROC launcher, 6 - 12.75" Mk 32 torpedo tubes, Radars: AN/SPS-10F (surface), AN/SPS-52 (3-D air), Sonars: AN/SQS-26AX, Fire Control Systems: 1 - Mk56 Mod 43 Gun FCS, 1 - Mk74 Mod 2/6 missile FCS, 1 - AN/SPG-51C missile radar, 1 - Mk114 Mod 10/13 SW FCS, Helicopter: 1 - SH-2 LAMPS Helicopter.

The following ships are available in this configuration:

USS Brooke (DEG-1)
USS Ramsey (DEG-2)
USS Schofield (DEG-3)
USS Talbot (DEG-4)
USS Richard L. Page (DEG-5)
USS Julius A. Furer (DEG-6)

